Monday, 21 May 2012

Warming Winter Breakfast

One thing that I have really missed since being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease is porridge.  I loved the warm creaminess of the the cooked oats smothered in sugar.  Oats are very good for you, but not for those with a gluten intolerance.

Oats in America are classed as gluten free, an error that I am relieved I picked-up on before buying a muffin one morning.  Whereas in Australia, the Coeliac Society does not list them as so.  Someone who has been diagnosed as gluten intolerant may trial eating a small amount of oats for three months and after that time have an endoscopy to see whether or not they are able to digest the oats - this is something that I am not really willing to do, hence the need for an alternative.  
More information can be found at : 

But nevertheless I have finally found a suitable, possibly even better, substitute:  quinoa flakes.  This ancient Peruvian grain, or rather seed, is perfect when cooked in milk and sprinkled with brown sugar.  

There are a number of different brands available on the market, however I have conveniently found one at my local green grocer.  I cook 1/4 cup of rolled quinoa, 1/2 cup of milk and a small pinch of salt in the microwave for about 1:45 minutes usually stopping it halfway through to stir. 
Once cooked, I sprinkle the cooked 'porridge' with a teaspoon of brown sugar allowing it to melt slightly. Then add a dash of cold milk and mix together and eat.  Breakfast is done!

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