Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Dinner in a Flash

There are some evenings that you arrive home from work later than anticipated and the grand plans that you had to prepare dinner using a newly found recipe fall quickly by the wayside.  This happened to me last night.  I arrived home late and starving.  I was soon cooking one of my many fall-back fast dinner 'recipes'.  

These meals that I prepare are not following any strict instructions or ingredient list.  I simply look in the fridge and the cupboard at what I have at hand and prepare dinner accordingly.  Invariably many of the fast meals are based around a pasta dish.

The particular dish that I prepared last night was spaghetti with a five minute tomato sauce.  In the time that the pasta took to cook, I had prepared a fresh tomato sauce using only tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, garlic and salt.  So simple and delicious.

Ten Minute Spaghetti with Tomato and Garlic Sauce

125g of gluten-free spaghetti
1 1/2 tomatoes diced
3 cloves of garlic finely sliced
1 decent glug of extra virgin olive oil
a generous pinch of salt
grated parmesan cheese
a grind of black pepper

Cook your gluten-free pasta according to the instructions on the packet.  Once this is cooking, heat up your frying pan.

Dice your tomatoes and finely chop the garlic.  Add a decent glug of extra virgin olive oil to the frying pan and heat.  Add the garlic, it should cook straight away with the kitchen being filled with the gorgeous garlic smell.  Turn the flame down to allow the garlic to cook and become golden, remove it from the oil and place to one side, leaving the garlic flavoured oil in the pan.

Add the tomato and let these cook down, adding a pinch of salt.  The tomatoes will quickly soften and become sauce like.  Add the garlic back into the pan with the tomatoes and continue to cook gently.  

The pasta should be cooked by now, strain and save some of the cooking water in the saucepan.  Put the pasta back into the pan it was cooked in.  Taste the sauce and season with salt as necessary.  It should have the sweet, savouriness of the garlic with the richness of the tomato and extra virgin olive oil.   Stir the sauce through the pasta ensuring the each strand of spaghetti is 'kissed' by the sauce.

Serve the pasta topped with grated parmesan and a grind of fresh pepper.  Serves one.

To create this meal for more than one, simply multiply the ingredients accordingly.  This dish can be served alongside a meat or veg dish as well.

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